Orchestra “OMA” (Orquestra de la Marina Alta), created in 1998 by
the orchestra conductor Francesc Estevez was born with the challenge
of covering an important hole in the culture of our area. The
Orchestra is connected with MACMA, made up by the 33 municipalities
of the Marina Alta area. The Orchestra played a concert in august
22nd in 1998 in the 10th International Music Week in Denia, with the
representation of the opera of Mozart Bastien und Bastiene. Since
now the orchestra has played more than 100 concerts in all the
municipalities of the area, with its two groups: OMA and JOMA (young
section). Two important concerts were played in Calpe, with tenor
José Sempere and in Ondara because of the inauguration of their
Municipal Halls. In the case of Calp, the concert was recorded and a
CD of arias of opera was edited. The orchestra has shared stage with
so prestigious solo players: David Menéndez, Carmen Avivar, Isidro
Anaya, J. A. Allemany, Vicens Prats, Thomas Indermühle, Wolgang
Meyer, Miquel Pérez, Cristina Martí, Boris Monoszon, Eriko Takezawa
and Josep Vicent Giner. The Orchestra has recorded two CD’s one with
the works for string of W.A. Mozart and the other with the music of
the Royal Fireworks and Aquatic Music of GF Handel.
was born in Pedreguer in 1983. She studies guitar at the
Conservatoire Tenor Cortis of Denia, with Concha Ballester and
obtains a especial award at the end of the degree. She won the first
prize in the tenth edition of the Contest “Concurs de Joves
Intèrprets Ruperto Chapí de Villena”as well as the best guitarist of
the Valencian Land in the 11th edition of the Contest Francesc
Tarrega of Villa Real. She takes part in post-graduated courses with
José Tomás, Carles Trepat, Manuel Barrueco, Hopkinson Smith, and
Josep Vicent Giner. Now she continues her education at the
Conservatoire “Superior Oscar Espla “of Alicante with professor
Ignacio Rodes.
SIGNES, trumpet
has studied at the Conservatories “Oscar Espla” of Alicante and
“Superior “ of Valencia, where he obtains the degree on trumpet. He
has attended post-graduated courses with José Mª Ortí, P. Thibaud,
M. Mellaerts, J. Millar, J. Harjanne, E. Aubier. He has played
several concerts with the trio “Trio Ciudad de Huesca” and the
quintet “Quintet Oscar Esplà of Alicante”. He also has played as
solo placer in several orchestral groups. He has been conductor of
the bands: Banda Unió Musical de Beniarbeig, Banda La Paz of San
Joan and has taken part as a visitor conductor in several conductor
groups. He is professor of trumpet at the Conservatoire
“Conservatori Superior de Musica d’Alacant”.
in Ondara (Alicante) he stars his musical studies at the
Conservaotire “Superior de Musica de Alicante”, where he attends the
specialities of Piano, Violin, Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue,
Composition, and Orchestration, with teachers Amando Blanquer.
Afterwards he takes part in Composition and Conducting courses with
teachers Antón García Abril and Enrique García Asensio. He improves
his technique with Helmuth Rilling, Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez,
Karl Österreicher and Richard Edlinger. In 1998 he is elected by
Harfot University (Connecticut, USA) in order to study Orchestra
Direction with professors Harold Faberman, Kennet Kiesler, Daniel
Lewis and Jonh Corigliano. In 1998 he founds the orchestra
“Orquestra de la Marina Alta (OMA)”, He has recorded the CD Recital
Opera, with tenor José Sempere, the Works for string of W.A. Mozart
and the music of the Royal Fireworks and Aquatic Music of GF Handel
as conductor of the orchestra “Orquestra de la Marina Alta”.
is an organ and harpsichord player born in Denia. He studied with
teachers Rynko Ottes, Javier Artigues, Josep Mª Mas i Bonet and
Michael Radulescu. He finished his studies of high level with the
highest marks, among them, a special award at the end of the degree,
the academic grade “Magister Artium” of the University of Vienna
with the qualification “cum laude“ and the award “Premi al Mèrit
Artístic del Ministeri de Ciència i Cultura Austríac”. He regularly
offers concerts in the Iberian Peninsula as well as Europe, both as
organ and harpsichord player with programmes of renaissance, baroque,
romantic, chamber and contemporary music (playing for the first time
works of Amando Blanquer and Josef Lammerz). As visitor teacher he
teaches seminars and courses of interpretation. He is professor of
the Conservatoire “Superior de Musica de Alicante”.
was born in Cuenca in 1963. He obtains his degree on Music and
Recorder at Royal Conservatoire of Music in Madrid with highest
marks. He has been given post-graduated classes related to different
styles in the history of that instrument: medieval, renaissance,
baroque and 20th century. He was student of concert players in
Antique Music as Álvaro Marías, Ricardo Kanji, Baldrik Deeremberg
and Jordi Savall among others. Along these years, he has been member
of Trio de Música Clásica La Tarantela and the Trío de Música
Antigua Il Dolcimelo. Now he takes part in Accademia Arcadia (Baroque)
and Sforzinda (Renaissance flute sextet). He has been teacher of
music in Secondary School and now he is teacher at the School of
Music of Benimeli (Alacant).
IOTTI, organ
was born in Genoa (Italy). He obtains the degree on Organ and Organ
Composition (1982) with F. Dellepiane and the degree on Harpsichord
(1982) with A. Bellasich at the Conservatoire Superior de Música N.
Paganini. He has attended some post-graduated courses with M.
Radulescu, L.F. Tagliavini, J.B. Christensen, H. Vogel and M.
Torrent. He has played as organ and harpsichord player in Italy,
Spain, Switzerland, Germany and Mexico. He has recorded for radio
programmes (RNE-2, RNE-4 and RAI-3). He has been teacher of the
Institute Istituto di Musica Sacra of Genoa and Conservatoire N.
Paganini. He is pedagogic conductor of the organ course of Maresme
and professor of the organ repertoire of the school Escola Superior
de Música de Catalunya (Barcelona).
VERGÉS, organ
Vergés took courses at the Conservatoires of Tarragona, Barcelona
and Amsterdam under the tutelage of professors Jordi Alcaraz,
Montserrat Torrent, Hans van Nieuwkoop, Pieter van Dijk and Jacques
van Oortsmerssen. Among other awards he has won the Extraordinary
Honours Prize of the Barcelona Conservatoire, First Prize of the
Standing Competition for Young Artists organized by Juventudes
Musicales Españolas in 1986 and the Prize for an Outstanding
Artistic Career awarded by the Foundation R. Parramón. He has given
numerous recitals in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, the USA and in
other countries and he worked with the Joven Orquesta Nacional de
España (JONDE). He has been the organist of the Cathedral of
Tarragona since 1992. He is professor for organ at the Conservatorio
Profesional of Tarragona.
CIOFINI, organ
Ciofini completes courses for organ and piano at the Perugia
Conservatoire in Italy with W. Van de Pol and M.F. Spaventi. He
studies the clavicembalo-harpsichord at the school of music in
Fiesole with A. Fedi. Later he continues his organ studies at the
Amsterdam Conservatoire with professor J. Van Oortmerssen, obtaining
the “Postgraduate” diploma in baroque music in the year 1999. In
1995 he is appointed permanent organist of the collegiate church
Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor in town of Collescipoli, which is
home to an important historical instrument built by Willelm Hermans
in 1678. He gives concerts and master classes on a regular basis in
Italy, Europe and the United States and is invited to take part in
prestigious concerts at the California State University of Chico
(California, USA), Oundle (Great Britain), Jávea (Spain) and others.
Fabio Ciofini also keeps up an important activity as choirmaster. He
has made recordings for the “Bottega Discantica” label playing the
Hermans organ in Collescipoli and the historical organs in the
Umbrian region of Italy for Anthology Records. At present he is
professor at the “Civico Istituto Musicale A. Onofri” in the town of
He was born in Jaca (Huesca). He has a degree on Organ and Gregorian
Cant by the “Institut Catholique” of Paris and on Sacred Theology by
the University “Universidad Pontificia” of Salamanca. He is also
organ player of the cathedral and hospital of the Venerables of
Seville and Organ professor of the Conservatoire “Conservatorio
Superior” of Seville from 1979 until 2002. He is full member of the
academy “Real Acadmia de Bellas Artes de Santa Isabel de Hungria” of
Seville and of the academy “RRAA de San Fernando (Madrid) and
“Nuestra Señora de las Angustias (Granada)” He has won several
prizes, among them: the first prize of the Andalusian Government for
music research (1989 and 1993) and the first prize of “Andalulicia
de Música” (1990) of the Andalusian Governemnt. As concert player he
played concerts in more than thirty countries in Europe, Africa,
Asia and America. He has made radio recordings for radio and
television channels in dozen of countries and record companies in
organ of different European Schools. As a teacher, he has taught
some courses of Spanish music in different American and Japanese
Universities. As researcher and publicist, he has written several
books and articles for specialized publications.
IL CONCERTO ACCADEMICO, chamber orchestra
Concerto Accademico is a regular and independent string orchestra
established in 2000 by the violinist Margherita Marseglia. The
challenge of this stylistically homogenous group consists of
transposing the chamber music principles to the work of an
orchestral group on the basis of the experience of each teacher. Il
Concerto Accademico in its intensive activity of concerts has played
in the more important Spanish Halls. Moreover it has a musical
repertoire of all styles from Baroque until Contemporary music.
Nowadays important composers have dedicated works to Il Concerto
Accademico as Manuel Moreno Buendia and Gerd Noack. Recently it has
published a CD dedicated to the Four Seasons of A. Vivaldi, which
has been recorded lively and praised by the specialized critics.
LAWSON, composer & conductor
conductor, pianist and organist, is a Scot who now lives in Orba. He
is Musical Director of the Coral Clásica Javiense and the English
Choir. His compositions total arround 150 including choral works,
concertos, sonatas, songs and instrumental pieces. The Organ
Concerto commisioned by the International Organ Festival of
Pedreguer, and written this year, will receive its first performance
in Pedreguer on November 5th.
She was born in Fridrichshafen (Germany). She studies with Hermine
Dlemer and Cristos Polyzoides at the University of Music in Graz
(Austria). He has obtained some prizes in the Contest “Jugend
Musikiert” and he has he prize “Premio a la Promoción Cultural” of
her city. Apart from her activity as chamber musician, she has been
first player of the Symphony Orchestra of Graz and the Symphony
Orchestra of Murcia. She has collaborated with the Kammerphilarmonie
of Vienna. She has published several CD’s with works of F. Schubert,
S. Prokofiev, M. Ravel, M. de Falla, As solo player and chamber
interpreter she has played around Europe, Balkan countries,
Argentina and Japan. In 2000 she founds IL Concerto Accademico, a
string orchestra that has delighted all sorts of spectators since
the first concert. |